A concept where you invite your friends for a party where you will consume brownies that have weed in them
Do you want to come to my brownie party?
That one person in your tribe who is always happy and ready to make some bad decisions.
Make sure Party Hat is not the designated driver tonight!
Another name for a bulging erection. Sometimes referred to as rise in the Levis, pitched tent, or hound mound.
As soon as she walked into the room every straight guy in the place had on a party hat.
The act of upending one's drink onto another's head, the inverted cup appearing to be a party hat.
Joe: Did you see Grant hitting on Nicole last night?
Mike: Yeah, but his girl saw and definitely gave him a party-hat.
Joe: LOL
A Condom
It looks like you took your party hat off too soon; there was fluid on the sheets.
This is the act of shouting surprize right before you and a group of other people rape someone thus making it legal in a court of law.
Surprize Party Scenario1: *group of guys rape girl*
*girl is scarred for life. Guys are eventually caught, thrown in prison and are raped for life*
Surprize Party Scenario2: *group of guy shout surprize before raping girl unwillingly* Girl: I like surprizes!!!
*They all lived happily ever after*
Fuck you Ryan, it is a saying.
Ain’t no party like a last minute flight deck fix party.