Nicki Minaj’s Birthday
• Wear pink
• Listen to Nicki songs
• For new barbs listen to Pink friday, it has classic known throwbacks!
• For old barbs listen to her mixtapes!
• For Newer barbs listen to The Pinkprint!
• For older barbs listen to Pink Friday!
My fav albums!
1. Pink Friday 2 (2023) 10/10
2. Queen (2018) 10/10
3. The Pinkprint (2014) 9.5/10
4. Pink Friday (2010) 9/10
5. Pink Friday Roman Reloaded (2012) 7.9/10
Hey it’s December 8th!
So? And why are u wearing so much Pink?
Cause December 8th is Nicki Minaj birthday
Oh shes awesome! im a new barb!
Great! Lets listen to some of her hits then move on to my favorites!
National grab a girls ass at school day😈🤪
Today on December 8th Cole grabbed tf outta Hannah’s ass for national grab a girls ass at school day
National punch your tall friend day 😊!! On this day you can go punch your tallest friend
Girl1: *punch* Girl2: What was that for?!! Girl1:it's December 8th Girl2: Oh.
National hit your small friend day! On December 8 you can slap your best friend
Girl 1:Slaps* Girl 2:"what was THAT FOR???!" Girl 1:Its December 8th!! Girl 2:Oh yeah..
National say yes day
Pick someone who you know and they must answer yes to everything you ask in some way
Sharon, "tell me when u last has sex?"
Bailey, "no"
Sharon, "it's national say yes day (may 8th)"
Bailey, "oh yeah, it was with your brother yesterday"
Sharon, "wait what?"
National give a gift to any Alice you know
Alice: it’s my birthday
Friend: omg I have to get you something
Alice: good cause you have to give any Alice a gift on may 8th