An incredibly shit band who try to fit in to the 'rock' genre, alas, to no success. They attract taste-deprived female teenagers who deserve to be shot. End of.
Taste-deprived female teenager: 'OnGG i LoVe ThE jOnAs bBrOtHeRS!!11!11111'
Me: Jonas Brothers suck hairy monkey balls. You can go hang yourself now.
207๐ 119๐
a bunch of curly haired fugly shits that tweens drool over.
Me: Get a grip. They're just some girly looking fugly shitheads that are in need of some makeup remover and talent.
36๐ 16๐
Some silly pop (NOT ROCK) band that mostly little girls listen to. Their songs are extremely generic and annoying. 95% percent of their fans talk like dumbasses. If you think they are the best band in the world, you are strongly misguided.
A lot of fans will say you're jealous if you make a negative comment about them. This happens frequently on Yahoo! Answers.
Once a "friend" of mine said The Jonas Brothers are better then Pink Floyd. Bitch.
242๐ 142๐
the worst thing to ever happen to music.
The Insane Clown Posse is so much better than the Jonas Brothers.
79๐ 41๐
Ever aging British children's entertainers, called Barry and Paul. Come from Rotherham. Have stupid haircuts, and all the maturity of a fresh fart. Famous catchphrase, 'To me, to you'.
80๐ 41๐
A terrible band that was overly commercilized by Disney, even though they have no talent. Most people interested in the jonas brothers are mostly 7-12 year olds with no lives and no taste in good music.
OMG MY EARS!!!! What are you playing, the jonas brothers???
John is such a man slut, I think he is a jonas brother
84๐ 44๐
The Jonas Brothers (a.k.a. Homo Brothers) are homosexual homos. All the care about it their gay music, which sounds like crap to everyone except homos.
Person 1: Are you going to the Jonas Brothers concert tonight?
Person 2: You mean the Homo Brothers.
Person 1: Are you saying that the Jonas Borthers are homos?
Person 2: Yes. Homosexual homos, actually.
50๐ 24๐