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Hawaii Bathroom

When your fart is toxic enough for someone to puke.

Man, I just had a Hawaii bathroom next to Andrea!

by GarrusVakarianMyLove September 21, 2022

bathroom creatine

Slang for anabolic steroids

One I started using bathroom creatine my gains in the gym quadrupled innone month.

by WolfDale February 22, 2023

Public bathroom roulette

When you have eaten some two week old leftover mexican food and you have to shit so bad you don't have time to clean the seat before sitting down in a public bathroom. You simply pick any open stall and sit, hoping that some teenager didn't piss all over the stall as a 'joke'.

Usually played when you know what you ate, and believe that the consequences of hesitating to check the seat are worse than sitting in whatever could possibly be on the seat.

Can also be played as a dare between friends.

1: Mike: Jeff man why are you two hours late? The game is halfway over!

Jeff: Dude I lost a game of public bathroom roulette in the subway station. Had to go home again to shower. You wouldn't believe the mess I sat down on. At least I didn't shit myself though! My girl was right, I should've thrown out those leftovers!

2: Dude! Did you see the size of that guy who just came out of the bathroom? I bet he left a nasty rooster tail. Hey Brian, I'll give you $20 to play a round of public bathroom roulette right now!

by 123pshyc! July 9, 2018

womens bathroom

The most supportive positive place a woman can go with no judgement .usually gone to in pairs.

I’m feeling really sad can we go to the womens bathroom together

by Kenziee2 November 11, 2022

nichols mitchel hall locker girls bathroom

the place where all the depressed emo girls go to cry their hearts out. also the place the potheads and nic addicts go to hit a bong/hyde in the bathroom. usually this happens in the open room, with risk of a teacher walking in at any moment. why do they do it here you may ask? because it’s the bathroom with the best ventilation. the girls usually sit on the bathroom floor (in the stalls this time) and sob their hearts out while listening to mitski.

do you wanna go to the nichols mitchel hall locker girls bathrooms and smoke a joint?

by privateschoolbxtch25 November 10, 2021

bathroom stuff

Bathroom stuff is anything that has to do with things you do in the bathroom. This includes any and all bathroom business including showering, and the other gross stuff. This also includes making f*rting noises or p*eing sounds over the phone.

“Hey, I’m gonna go take a dump brb

by BigBacon24 June 11, 2024

bathroom er lab

The club room of Mongoltori from BRAC University located in the 6th floor of the new campus building of BRAC University which was actually supposed to be a washroom.

Hey its break time lets go to the space infront of the bathroom er lab

by divoooom June 10, 2024