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Pinocchio burn

a burn or cut on the penis from rapid masterbation

if pinocchio masterbates he will cause a fire from wood on wood which is called a pinocchio burn

by ilovemarryanne August 9, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Button Burn

Occurs when you take a pair of jeans just out of the dryer, and put them on. The Hot metal button painfully singes the surface of your skin hence the name Button Burn.

Dude I was late for a dinner date, and had no clean pair of jeans. I tossed a pair in the dryer to freshen them up I put them on on the way out the door and got a bad case of Button Burn.

by magnoliagrounds December 10, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Burned Rice

Is a name for a person that is half asian and half black. Also known as Blasian or Blackie Chan.

Guy: HI, are you asian or black?
AWESOME DUDE: No, im black and asian.
Guy: So you Burned Rice?

by Vuietnam November 24, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Carpet Burn

A painful red mark on the skin after friction against a carpet flooring

I always get a "Carpet Burn" when I try to practice my B-boy dance moves at home

by Dj Ghost of LOZ July 25, 2011

40๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

burn book

this is a burn book. urban dictionary has became a burn book if you haven't noticed. only worldwide. pff

-public restroom wall
-what you're reading right now is a burn book

by bobis August 19, 2007

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Lap burn

A burn, or the burn mark, inflicted by using a laptop (processor heat) on bare skin. Usually from surfing while nude or using your laptop in the bathroom.

After two hours in the bathroom he almost suffered from a second degree lap burn.

by Morris Packer February 21, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

burn and turn

A management practice that uses middle managers as scapegoats to perpetuate existing conditions. In situations where senior management and workers are invested in retaining current practices and customs a middle manager will be tasked to "Cean things up". However, the manager will meet passive aggression and mobbing from both superiors and subordinates that socially isolates and frustrates all but the most basic changes. After the middle manager is "Burned Out" and frustrated after a period of time, the manager will either quit or be fired for ineffectivness. In this way the status quo is maintained and blame can be assinged to the middle manager for failure. A new middle manager will be hired and the cycle will repeat itself. This is the turning phase

"Don't go to work at that hospital-not even Jesus himself could fix that place. It's strictly burn and turn".

by psychdoc March 11, 2010

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