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Daniel is the sweetest person you will ever meet and if you have a Daniel he will love you court you so Dont ever loose him!

Daniel is the cutest guy I know

by Mr.steel your girl April 11, 2018

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Daniel is one of the best boys you will ever meet. You know whenever he walks into the room because you get the sensation of happiness. You are extremely lucky if you happen to know a Daniel as he is the most caring, kind and compassionate people EVER! If u have Daniel as your boyfriend... He's a keeper. Daniel is very loving and although it takes a while for him to show his feeling to you, it's worth the wait because when he opens up it's like finding hidden treasure that's priceless. He makes efforts to see you and cheers you up with cheesy jokes when your sad. Overall he's a smoking hot, caring boy.❀️

Girl:Look at that guy over there giving a girl a flower😍
Other girl:He must be a Daniel

by Hi there12345 July 30, 2019

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Anyone who has the name beginning with β€œd” has a massive penis bigger than any mans

Girl: what’s your name? Boy: Daniel. (That begins with β€œD” girl: that means you must have a massive penis

by ThΓ‹trΓΌthßpeakΓ«r January 10, 2018

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Daniel is an enigma. He thinks he's 50% Taiwanese, but Taiwan doesn't exist. Always rocking his CRU sweatshirt and Harley jacket, Daniel is a verified fashionista. He will always frat snap after announcing he's an engineer. In all, he's a good guy, and he appreciates all the hard work his "fans" do for him.

Wow, that guy really pulled a Daniel when he started taking engineering classes despite being pre-med!

by miscellaneous fish January 24, 2019

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The name of a person who is a THOT not only a small THOT, but a HUGE ASS THOT. He may deny how thottie he is but dont let his reasoning fool you. He may seem nice on the outside even though he is truly mean. Remember he will try to deny his truth but we all know hes a thot.

Person 1: "Have you met daniel?"
Person 2: "DANIEL A THOT!!"
Person 1: "you know what? Yous right.

by Squidwrdtenisballs July 19, 2018

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When someone is Daniel they gay

by Ur mom is idk lol December 1, 2019

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Sexy Man With a 13 inch penis. Who gets all the girls and has alot of money. He also owns big buisnesses and is very smart and awesome. I would love to be with a Daniel. Daniel is very sexy and hot.

Yo this guys penis is 30 inches he's such a Daniel

by Jack Hamson999 May 1, 2020

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