The best sex doll ever. 15 dollars on amazon no problem it gives you the best sensation ever most plasticy thing ever and it feel amazing.
Damn that Judy doll really got me going last night
A voodoo doll created to give someone the shits.
Question: Lord Jesus do you have voodoo doll of me to make me have the shits?
Answer: Yes, I call it a Doodoo Doll.
A person who’s only income is to go to rodeos and “rope necks and cash checks” usually have the brains of a wooden post. And claim they’re the smartest people ever and yet have no common sense
Dumbass saddle dolls are as useful as a boar hog with tits
When your mom repeatedly hides stuff you use every day inside several decorative containers.
"Where is the ibuprofen ... why is it in here?! Stop Russian nesting dolling our whole house!"
A stray doll is a fan of the North-American rock & roll band Prima Donna. The name "stray doll" is taken from their song with the same name, which is one of their most popular live songs.
Prima Donna absolutely rocks, they're my favorite band! I love being a stray doll.
A person, usually a male, who befriends females (dolls) on social media, such as Facebook, in order to receive personal "adult" photos from them. There is never any attempt to physically meet the women; only to "see" them.
He's nothing but a Doll Collector. He's harmless & they're only pictures.