Source Code

dry dogwood

The dry dogwood happens when a man over the age of 70 tries to engage in intercourse. Whilst about to cum he pulls out and tries to ejaculate on her face only to see a cloud of chalky dust come out accompanied by the short burst of air much like that of popping an innertube. Upon spreading this powder on his parteners face, he must then yelp out with possibly his last dying breath "dry dogwood!" to complete the act.

Dude, yesterday I thought my grandma was doing drywall work but it turns out gramps just gave her the ol' dry dogwood

by Geordan July 17, 2006

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Dry calling

It's like dry-humping but involving a phone. It's basically a dry run on a phone call. You're not doing it for real. It's when you want to call someone but chicken out and only dial the number but never press Send or never quite finish dialing (if on a non-mobile phone).

A: "did you call him yet?" B: "I'll call him tomorrow. So far I've only been dry calling."

by fuckyoubuddy October 18, 2011

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dry hander

When someone uses the bathroom and afterwards, does not wash their hands. First said by Mike.

Bill is a dry hander, do not to shake his hand.

by Jack Mammosser March 16, 2008

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dry bagel

Two people having sex with clothes on. AKA Dry humping.

We were dry bageling all night, no fluids were exchanged.

by becky April 13, 2005

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dry drowning

I don't know I was asking you

I legit don't know tell me what dry drowning means

by Tell me I don't know January 26, 2018

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Dry as a chip

Bloody dry

Thommo - Geez Brucee we need some rain
Brucee - Yeah mate, it's as dry as a chip out there.

by Snowy85 March 9, 2009

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Dry Balls

In any case where a male experiences a extended period of time without a single blow job, and the testies become dry and arid.

"Dude, have you heard about Jeffrey? His girlfriend hasn't blowed him in since November"
"Damn, he must have some dry balls"
"Yep. Like a desert."

by Ding Ullberry February 19, 2015

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