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Presidential Medal of Freedom

An award bestowed by the president of the United States to recognize people who have made "an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors". The Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal are the highest civilian awards of the United States. The award is not limited to U.S. citizens and, while it is a civilian award, it can also be awarded to military personnel and worn on the uniform. It was established in 1963 by President John F. Kennedy, superseding the Medal of Freedom that was established by President Harry S. Truman in 1945 to honor civilian service during World War II.

In the picture below, Vice President Joe Biden earned the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2017 with distinction.

by 1234567890abcdefghij August 11, 2020

freedom of warship

Da constitutional right dat allows you to board any of our nation's naval battlewagons whenever and however you please.

In the first Casey Ryback film "Under Siege", mercenary William Strannix takes the whole "freedom of warship" to a preposterous degree --- perhaps he did indeed have the right to go aboard the USS Missouri, but that didn't entitle him to take over the ship or harm the crewmembers.

by QuacksO October 6, 2020

Freedom Day

November 20th. Also the day I was set free from a psychotic bitch

One year ago I broke up with my gf and it is now freedom day

by Yoloswagselfie November 6, 2019

baptized by freedom

When a Bald Eagle shits on your head while flying over you.

Mike was baptized by freedom while he was looking up to see a Bald Eagle fly overhead.

by strykermech June 13, 2019

Needs some freedom

Suggesting that a country or place needs to be occupied/influenced by the US Military. This term arises from the US's history of occupation, invasion, and meddling in other parts of the world under the guise of liberation or spreading democracy.

Person 1: Did you hear that oil was discovered in Antarctica?

Person 2: "Really? Sounds like those penguins need some freedom!"

Person 1: "The Ark of The Convenient may be in Ethiopia."
Person 2: "Sounds like Ethiopia needs some freedom!"

by 15thtexas1 December 7, 2021

popular freedom

The freedom to popularity

Everybody has popular freedom.

by October 1, 2023

popular freedom

right to be free

I have popular freedom unlike my slaves.

by LEGALISE_PIRACY October 1, 2023