(a) exclamation of surprise
(b) expression of amazement
(c) Used to describe some mental goings on
(d) An awesome genre of music in it's craziest form
there's always time for crazy jazz!
Used when describing a good time, thing, or event.
synonyms: it’s lit, it was a blast, it was totally tubular
The various motions people use trying to get the hand air dryer to start in a public restroom.
Man, that guy made restroom jazz hands for over a minute before he figured out the air dryer didn't work.
Jimmy Jazz a fait rire hier
Jimmy Jazz l'humoriste qui a moins de rythme
the act of jazzing with no hands while listening to jazz
"Stop talking over this music. I'm close to jazzing over here if I can just concentrate."
Noun: Philly phrase for a disposable marajuana vape.
Yo cat, can I get a drag of yo electric jazz cigarette?
euphemism for sex; derived from an animated version of the "hug" emoji 🤗, which appears to do "jazz hands" (waving hands back and forth rapidly)
Denotes a hug that is "jazzier" than a normal hug, and hugs are already quite close and intimate so the next step would logically be fornication
Those two seem pretty wrapped up in each other; they best watch out, they'll be giving each other the old "jazz hug" before long