Wants you to enter the Radon Program poster contest. She is creative and and innovative at reaching audiences and is giving away prizes to the top 3 winners.
Lexi told me about the radon poster contest and it sounds really cool!
Being someone who is Sarcastic and Drinks a lot of coffee like by the gallon 10 times a day
Lexi is a girl who doesnt consider herself ugly, nor pretty. She usually has blue eyes and freckles. She tries to dress nice becuase she cares about what everyone thinks but doesnt show it. She could get a boyfriend but none of the guys ask her out becuase she has her eye on one person. Lexi usually hangs out with boys becuase she says "Girls are to much drama" she will act happy but cries when she gets home becuase she feels that she has no real friends and all of her "friends" hate her but pretend they like her.
"I feel like there's something wrong with Lexi."
Lexi is the most outrageously, annoying and gross person to exist. she fucking stinks and i fucking hate her
Ew she looks like a lexi
hot as fuck she is so nice and can act like a crack head. the boys are always all over her and she can never be sad. she has so many friends and everyone is jealous of her. she has is thicc asf and so sexy nobody can overcome her. she’s the only person that can make you happy when you’re really sad and you will always want a lexi in your life. she’s is atheltic, kind, smart, and one of the best students at her school. she is so funny and stupid ( in a good way ) she will maybe become rich and will always exceed in life. if you ever meet a lexi, keep her forever and always.
boy 1: oh my god she’s so hot.
boy 2: that’s my bestfriends sister, she has a boyfriend
boy 1: of course she does she’s perfect and so beautiful. i wish she was mine. i wonder what her name is
boy 2: she’s definitely a lexi! those lexis are so perfect
A nice girl who is very creative not a lot of lexis are nice so be grateful if one is your friend or likes you they are sweet and will make your day better. don't mess with her she probably has someone who is ready to ruin your whole career or she will do it herself. In the end, they are amazing gifts from heaven with beauty, brain, and creativity and should be treated with care.
girl 1: Lexi's drawings are so cool
girl 2: I wanna be her friend so bad