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Modifications or something that has positive value.

James: Dude did you see the bulls game?

Charlie: Yeah, it was mods!

by Jimmygetsbuckets October 28, 2014



Reddit is for Mods

by WAHLAUIGI January 15, 2019



person: mod gay
AutoModerator: It is known

by hh_hh_h_hh_hh March 3, 2019


Mod ("mods" plural) is comonly one of two things.

1. A modification typically a digital game, mechanical system or otherwise modification to a device, product or other.

2. a Moderator, a person or persons who have been delegated power in forums, chats, message boards or other sites, areas, events or things that may potentially need moderation.

1. yeah I got a nude mod for fallout 4.

2. fuckin site mods banned me for some trivial bullshit.

by JOYK1LLZ May 11, 2020


Mod is an Acient Gangster who got a Dealer through hard times

Yo you seem like Mod

by Modion March 24, 2021


Mod is short for Modafinil. Sometimes, it also refers to Armodafinil, but Armod I'd usually used.

Steve: I need Mod. I need Mod pills.

by HawaiianPunch1 November 23, 2024


A command of an great twitch bot...


by LmaoY September 25, 2017