You say that when you are not lying.
Dad: Did you break the kitchen window?
Son: No. Maybe the dog Fido did. And yes, I got no more peekos.
Dad: OK, thanks for truthtelling, I guess. FIDO, DID YOU BREAK THE KITCHEN WINDOW?
Fido: Wurf! Indeed yes! But I got no more peekos.
a certain quality characterized by a specific hypocrisy that stems from telling others to be tolerant despite the fact the individual demanding tolerance is one sided as well as having an attitude of moral superiority. People who tend to be more tolerant than thou tend to be anti-Christians, social justice warriors, third wave feminists, or tumblrinas.
She is such a more tolerant than thou hypocrite!
More bother than it's worth. Of germanic origin.
I don't like eating mussels from the shell. It's more moo than milk really.
who love the other person the most in a relationship
who loves who more? dude chloe loves nick waaaaaay more dude
This applies mostly to driving, but can be applied to anything. You always have more time than money, as in slow down and watch out. There is no point is speeding or being in a hurry and getting in a wreck; as both these will cost you money.
When you're waiting to turn onto a main road, just wait till you are 100% sure you can make it, you'd rather be safe than sorry.
It's better to be late than dead.
1: Man, I'm running late, let's go!!
2: More time than money, bud. Slow down.
Said when your significant other is obviously in the wrong, because you do love them more.
Examples as to why this is true:
- They love you even though you're kinda crazy.
- They treat you like you like no other has done before.
- Their smile makes your day better.
- They make you feel safe and secure.
- They give you forehead kisses
- They call you pretty/handsome, etc.
- They always have your back.
- They put up with your crystal obsession.
(They also take the crystals you give to them.)
This is factual evidence, now take a seat. 😐✋🏼
"I love you!"
"I love you more."