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clit munchers

Female underwear that when worn entraps or pinches the wearers clitoris. Clit munchers are commonly made of lace and deemed to be visually sexy but predominantly uncomfortable for the wearer.

I wore clit munchers to work today, it was really hard to concentrate.

by RenΓ©e Nae December 15, 2015

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Leperchaun muncher

to like having sexual relations with a midget by taking it up the ass hard and fast.

dude snow white total leperchaun muncher

by A funny dude September 11, 2011

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poo muncher

poo eater poo head

1.) Man, that guy's SUCH a poo muncher.
2.) woo, i wish that girl would poo munch me. Subscribe to awesome gamer robot for more epic roblox content! :D

by regfunkid November 15, 2018

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Kidney Muncher

That one guy that just always wants to munch on your kidneys.

β€œGuy 1: Hey man how ya doing? Guy 2: how about I just munch on your kidneys?! Guy 1: go away you kidney muncher!”

by Quong Foo October 22, 2020

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Sucak Muncher

One that digests or chews Sucak

Refer to: Sucak

Oh, you dirty sucak muncher!

by ck007 February 19, 2003

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Fuggle Muncher

an insult used mainly to confuse and sound impressive with no proper meaning

A: You fuggle muncher
B: what the f*ck did you just call me?
A: and what the "fuggle munch" is that?
B: an insult usedmainly to confuse and impress with no proper meaning.

by Dheery October 29, 2008

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Mud muncher.

An African American lesbian.

You ain't getting nothing from that jontavious they be mud munchers. Mud muncher.

by Gunslinger 99. March 7, 2018

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