Nub is a word that people use to type "noob" in Roblox without getting tagged.
Person 1:He's such a ####
person 1:I meant to say he's a nub
acting like fools wih the person who you love who is just weird or weirder than you.
"Jordan your such a nub!"
nub has many meanings like 1. a super noob 2. very dumb noob 3. a female noob .4 a dumb person who researches noobs
.1 you facking nub 2. this nub just killed me oh mah gawd he is haxing 3. i married a nub 4. the nubs and noobs has small brians yes small brians not brains brians
Nub: (Non useful body) Navy slang for a Sailor who has not yet earned his Submarine Warfare Qualification (Dolphins)
Get the nub to do that dirty job
Often referred to as a whale or massive object
Wow, look at the nubs over there.