Barry is the first name someone will use to try and finesse a homie. Somewhat like the deez nuts trend, if you say something around the lines of "hey you know barry?" And your dawg goes "Who's barry?" You can say "Barry Mckockinner dumbasss" and your homie will probably beat yo ass
"Hey did you hear? Someone killed Barry."
"Wait who's Barry?"
"Barry Mckockinner dumbass bitch"
"Fuck you get over here imma beat yo little femboy ass"
The hottest guy in school that every girl wants to fuck. It’s a challenge to fit his giant penis in your ass. Whoever does it is a champion. He slides soccer balls into his ass cheeks every night.
I met a “Barry” last night or let’s do a Barry
a nickname for lachlan who is a killer in bed ladies and fellas he is an actual character and a ranga who likes to suck balls and fuck girls but he has a small dick and is gay as fuck
man:ooooooohhhhh barryng
girl:go deeper barry! Barry: I can't that's as far as it goes
A very kind stunning man who is very sexy. Barry has a very large penis and no balls
Girl: "I'm looking for an amazing boyfriend,"
Boy: "Try dating Barry you won't regret it!"
A sexy man that drives a Prius.
Check out Barry in that Prius. He's so sexy.