Another word for freak, frick, fudge or fuck
guy 1: aww fridge!
guy 2: what?
guy 1: i left the drinks at home!!
The friend of a girl that you’re trying to rizz up who’s usually trying to keep her from talking to you. She’s usually on the larger and less attractive side.
Guy: Hey, you’re really pretty can I get your nu-
Fridge: Sorry she ain’t interested.
*They walk off*
Guy: Damn, the ugly-ass fridge always be protecting the snacks goddamn
An expression used when you are mad or confused.
Fridges! I didn't do the laundry yesterday!
a magical place that all your lovers stay in while you sit your lazy ass on your couch eating ice cream, imagining you had a boyfriend.
usually is used when you are bored and have no life.
you eat what is inside then you poop it out.
fridge buy a fridge food
A way of keeping food and weird humans cool.
Random guy: im gonna search up fridge on urban dictionary.
Random guy 789: gonna jump in the fridge. see ya later.
5 seconds later
Random guy: you so weird jumping into fridges bro this website says so
A device used for keeping elephants cool. As footprints in your butter will show.
Fridge: There’s a footprint in your butter!
Guy: Dang, the elephants have gotten in my fridge again. And did you just talk?