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Chronic disease associated with excessive Halo game play. Symptoms include but are not limited to:
1. Abnormally large thumbs
2. Degradation of visual aquity
3. Disturbed sleep patterns
4. Destruction of family life
5. Reduction in active vocabulary (increase in the use of sword bitch, noob, epic fail
6. Daily challenges become more critical than daily chores (feeding your game score > feeding your kids)
7. Reaching the next higher rank becomes the most important priority in your life.

A-Train, once a promising Industrial Engineer, has since achieved the rank of Halo Legend. Doctors and scientists have attributed his epic downfall to HALO-addiculitis.
The prognosis is grim as there is currently no known cure for this chronic disease.
Symptoms may be alleviated by giving a diseased whore a Cleveland Steamer

by Slap2daface October 3, 2011

Nigger Halo

When a black dude is shot by a cop during the commission of a felony, he is issued an ironic halo to wear in the Afterlife Ghetto. It's usually made of old crack pipes and fried chicken bones.

It is worn as a badge of honor akin to gang colors.

"Oh look Tyrone, old Leroy finally gone done get himself killed robbing the liquor store and got hisself a nigger halo"

by Fukucifer July 29, 2021

Crust Halo

The rings of crust that emerge on a dildo/vibrator after several uses and not keeping it clean.

"I went round to Becky's last night and found her rabbit. It was covered in Crust Halos"

by Kewgs March 2, 2016

Halo Pay

The social prestige one earns in lieu of actual financial gain in certain professions.
Example: teaching, research, non-profit...

Murray doesn't earn as much as his friends but at least the benefits and the halo pay makes up for it.

by Leedman October 10, 2021

Hair Halo

When a person has a bald spot on the back of their head and is surrounded by hair, which makes the back of their head appear as though they have a halo of hair

"Wow dude, look at the professor! He has a hair halo."

by lifeguardstatus November 10, 2016

Creamy Halo

An act in which the recipient takes a thick bead of Male ejaculate (evenly distributed, of course) across the forehead in a haloesque fashion.

The homies Carlos and Damian rock bangs, out of necessity, to conceal any evidence being Creamy Haloed.

by TheTrueOger68! December 18, 2020

dick halo

When a man is being a cunt!! He has a dick halo!!

He was being a cunt therefore he had a dick halo!

by MOISTCUNT75 May 28, 2019