Source Code

Saint Tim

a person thats as good as sirshibe

Saint Tim is as cool as sirshibe!

by XxzephandrigbbeaterxX January 20, 2021

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Tim Swipples

for a nerd to have sweaty nipples.

"OH MY GOD... i have just been playing world of warcraft and now I have a serious case of Tim Swipples"!!!

by jimmy cass November 14, 2007

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Sad tims

A stupid/sarcastic way of saying "sad times"

Person1: so my neighbour's brother's friend's cat died yesterday
Person 2: sad tims

by boi42 April 20, 2018

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tim paul

lax, lax, lax, lax, oh yea rosie o'donnel is the hero of tim paul, i love lesbians, or at least being a lesbian. common statements include "yea mark" "dude, neals not that bad" "your my boi". jack crawford is such a dick on the field man, oh hey mr crawford whats goin on can i give you a blow job. jk tim "your my boi" -jack

who wants to go to ihop

by the hog April 20, 2005

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tim armstrong

He's the lead singer and guitarist in Rancid, guitarist and back up voacals in the Transplants, ex guitarist and back up vocals of Operation Ivy. He used to be married to Brody Armstrong of the Distillers, and he has the hottest body I have ever seen.

If I was twenty years older and a famous punk, I would be all over Tim Armstrong.

by nogoodloser March 1, 2004

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turning tim

When your hooking up with a girl and start jacking off... usually you turn slightly so she doesn't touch your penis by accident and catches you

I pulled a turning tim and jizzed all over her leg

by Watty June 9, 2004

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tim armstrong

the hottest old guy singer and the best guitar player in the world....

uh...time is hot

by me October 7, 2003

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