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Larry Organization

Group of people who can see throw all the media agenda. It refeers to larries (majority of the One Direction fandom).

-So, do you like One Direction?
-Yes. In fact, I'm part of the larry organization.

by soft larrie March 29, 2018

knowledge organization

An organization where the employees sit in front of computers most of the day.

"Hey man, you look pasty and round. Anything wrong?"

"Yeah, I got a job working at a knowledge organization."

by pastyandround December 12, 2009

Organ Recital

When two or more, generally old, people spend an hour or three, discussing painful, impaired, failing, or replaced organs and body parts.
Failing health is a common, overly long, sometimes competitive, topic for us old folk.

Little Timmy suffered through his grandparents’ two hour organ recital.”
“I prefer to share my organ recital just with my doctor.”

by Captain Smokeblower May 6, 2023