When your name is Sean and you go to Dunstable Downs and get wanked off under a tree and cant finish
'My names Sean and im off for Penny - Wank'
Penny Age is a noun that means one year old.
Noun- Penny Age
Adj. - Penny
He won't start walking until he reaches penny Age.
Happily doing dances when you are sad. This expression implies to those to songs with a fast tempo.
Song lyric: They are a-penny into a wenny.
Speech: one person: Why are they a-penning into a wenny?
other person: What does that mean?
some other person: Because they are sad right now but they are listening to a very fast song at a party.
A penny Whistler is a fart that is extremely long and high pitched.
I was sat next to my mate whilst stoned when he did this extremely long and high pitch fart.
“That was a penny whistler” I said.
A slang term for Pennsylvanians. Usually only used by Pennsylvanians themselves, or some New Yorkers.
Yorker: You can just tell she's a pennie. She won't stop asking you to go to Sheetz with her.
Clickbait YouTubers who have to many ads for a video that 10:01 long.|Ricegum
Bob: I met a youtube at Vidcon!
Mark: was it a Penny thief?
Bob: No, it was Lele Pons.
Mark: That is an oxymoron!