A Word of New Zealand origin and slang to indicate extreme intoxication after overindulgance in alcohol
Jerrys downed 15 export golds and 2 JDs and coke and is now pissed as a chook.
The state of being pissed off.
Sorry bro, I didnt mean to interrupt your pissed offedness.
The thing you have to consider when choosing which type of booze you want for the night. If you're not trying to piss every 10 minutes, you choose hard liquor. Otherwise beer is a great option.
Stephen" "I want to get really drunk before finals, but I'm not sure what I should get"
Kim: "Did you take the piss factor into consideration?"
Stephen: "Damn you're right. I should probably get some Orloff since I'm broke".
Literally: Someone that pisses into an ice cube tray and freezes their piss then proceeds to munch on their piss cubes.
Figuratively: Someone that is very weird and or very annoying.
Dean: “Hey Alex, did you hear that Oscar is a piss muncher?”
Alex: “Yeah I figured, he’s so weird and annoying.”
Aussie Slang for Cheap White Wine (circa 1970's - 1980's)
wine cheap wine white wine cheap white wine goon booze maiden's piss
When a group of girls all go to the bathroom together
(At a reastaurant)
Girl 1: I'll be back in a min. I have to use the bathroom
Girl 2: Oh wait for me, I do too!
Girl 3: Me too, Let's have a posse piss
When you stack the hand-washing animation on top of piss animation by peeing directly on to your hands.
Piss canceling is outdated, piss stacking is the new meta.