Source Code

Rubbing off the paint

To remove the serial number off a gun so it cannot be traced back to the owner, if there is a criminal investigation.

“But I’m that nigga, I won’t ever change, rubbing off the paint” -YBN Nahmir, “Rubbin Off The Paint

by Jedi Master Joe March 13, 2018

40👍 1👎

Rubbing Chicken Skins

To fornicate after both partners have only recently just shaved off their pubes, thereby leaving a texture most commonly found on the skin of an uncooked chicken.

R: Hey, would you be interested in rubbing chicken skins with me later?

A: I would respectfully decline, considering I'm ace.

by Sea Anemoneous December 28, 2021

Boneless dry rub

What you call it when a male masturbates while watching two females have sex.

Dude, I went home with both of those lesbians from the bar last night and they made me watch while they got it on so I did the boneless dry rub.

by NastyNateTheGreat44 April 11, 2016

Rub and a Tug Boat

The act of motorboating an ass crack while giving a handjob. Closely related to the rusty trombone.

"Turn around so I can give you a rub and a tug boat."

by WoodcockJohnson October 5, 2011

rub one out

masturbate. literally, rub until you orgasm.

also known as "rub it out"

Damn, that made me really horny. I'm gonna have to go rub one out.

by Noelle March 15, 2003

1455👍 221👎

rubbing my eggroll

an expression used to describe a male masturbating.

guy: “sorry i didn’t call last night, i was busy rubbing my eggroll”

by albertoanddelilah December 7, 2019

Super Rub a Dub

The ultimate game that defines the cool from the uncool. It is the only thing that makes the PS3 superior to the xbox 360.

You use the controller's motion sensors to move a bath-like maze to guide your Rubber Duck Warrior. Collect all the mini Duck Solders from their Bubble Cocoons. Once you have collected all the Ducks from the level you guide them to the exit where they spiral down the Epic Drainplug of Doom! Watch out for the Enemy Wind-up Sharks that devour your Duck Train to Victory!

"Dude... Super Rub a Dub is like the best game in the world.. Its better than thi crack maannnn"

by --TheEasterBunny-- October 7, 2008

29👍 2👎