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Republican Bitchslap

When you take your penis and slap someone in the face with it.

I was talking to this guy and realized he was a hippy so I gave him a republican bitchslap.

by Ryan Ketchum April 6, 2007

27๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

Banana republican

a nick name given to Gorge Bush because of his likeness to a monkey

we had to watch the banana republican give a spaech in class today

by Kelsey W May 4, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž

gay republican

Theoretically, no gay Republican politicians exist because the GOP is a pro-"family values", christianist party which despises LGBT people.

In reality, about 45.3412% of male Republican politicians (and climbing) rilly want some of that viking love but act like homophobic dicks in public in a desperate attempt to hide their secret attractions. 'Til they get caught in a "compromising position", that is.

"_I am not gay!_" -- protest of self-identified not-gay gay Republican IN state senator Phil Hinkle, who attempted to have a business sexual relationship with a young man Hinkle contacted on craigslist. Hinkle was subsequently outed to his wife by the other man after Hinkle gave the man his smartphone in a state of panic. (2011)

See also: Larry Craig, Tom Foley, Troy King, Roy Ashburn, etc. urban dictionary could have a spin-off site with just gay Republican follies.

by poorbrokegradstudent July 29, 2012

18๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


A republican is someone who isnโ€™t stupid. They want best for the country. No, they are not racist just for not letting illegals (who commit crimes) into the country and no they are not monsters for not giving out FREE healthcare and other things because itโ€™s obvious that it will make the economy go down. A lot of Democrats seem to have a strong opinion towards them. Little do Democratโ€™s know, Democrats are pretty much slaves and most cannot see it do to the brain wash Democratic presidents have done to them because they want to have control over the people and money. I mean HELLO thatโ€™s the only reason they give free healthcare. Republicans on the other hand allow the people do grow and be independent. Making the economy go up, they help the country thrive. If you donโ€™t believe it do your research on the shit that Democrats do and donโ€™t want you to know about. I mean think about it, why do democrats attack republicans when they want to better themselves? A democrat supporter who has and is given free money from healthcare is kept at a certain level (meaning the money that they make) and canโ€™t go up (meaning make more money and be successful) because once they make more money they can no longer be given free healthcare. Think about it and for all of you Democrats who think bad about republicans my middle finger will forever be saved for you.

Republicans are way smarter and better than Democrats and everyone knows that.

by RealFactGiver June 20, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 342๐Ÿ‘Ž

Republicans for Voldemort

A slogan seen on t-shirts and bumper stickers. It was made by someone who was attempting to be clever, and failed epically in that attempt. It's only used by people whose knowledge of politics is so dismally lacking, that they must boil down the entire American political system into the basic Good vs. Evil of the Harry Potter books, and associate the bad guy with the political party that they've been told to hate, even though they don't actually know why they hate it.

Anyone who, (a) has read the Harry Potter books, (b) has at least an elementary knowledge of politics and history, and (c) has an IQ above room temperature, should be able to figure out that Rowling clearly based Voldemort and his Death Eaters on Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. Both want a totalitarian government, both wish to oppress, persecute, and exterminate those that they see as being born genetically inferior based on the "purity" of their blood. They blame all of their problems on a certain group of people. They manipulate school curriculum in order to indoctrinate children against this group. The "pure blood" motif is also very similar to the outdated British Nobility system, of which the few that remain still cling to.

Even though you see "Republicans for Voldemort" crap everywhere, Voldemort really has nothing whatsoever to do with the Republican party of the U.S., or any other modern political party. If a comparison MUST be made, the Republicans are most like Scrimgeour: determined to protect us from terrorists, but perhaps a too heavy-handed with security. Meanwhile, Democrats are more like Fudge and Umbridge: in denial that such a big threat exists, over-regulating everything with too many rules, and dominating most media outlets.

by klopek007 February 3, 2010

208๐Ÿ‘ 702๐Ÿ‘Ž

Republican in the closet

A Republican who is in denial and can't admit to himself that he's being fucked in the ass by his own party.

My uncle is a Republican in the closet. He still can't admit the Republican fucked him over by writing and passing NAFTA and sending his job to Mexico.

by Davezilla July 7, 2019

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Facebook Republican

Someone who thinks if all of their FB friends do not agree with all of their statuses, then they aren't real friends.

Girl: If you were a friend, then you would automatically be happy for me.

Guy: I didn't realize I had to be a Facebook Republican to comment on your status in disagreement.

Girl: I'm deleting you.

Guy: Oh. No. Please. Come back.

by Deadfella March 1, 2012

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