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Salty RoadSign

A Salty Roadsign is when you ejaculate in a jar, add 1 tablespoon of highgrade sea salt and let it ferment for a week, you then tie your subject up to a road sign and perform a drive by, typically shattering the jar over there head and covering then in Skeet and Salt, thus resulting in a Salty RoadSign

Kurt was very excited when he performed his first salty roadsign on Hillary


by Scarpy October 23, 2008

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salty mouth

The taste of semen in your mouth after your friend got head from a girl and you hooked up with her after.

Corry: Ew, why does my mouth taste so salty?
Biga: LAL! You got the salty mouth bitch!

by Sir Miles May 26, 2009

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Salty boi

A sissy boy that obsessed and gets upset over things that are meaningless and stupid, because they have nothing better to do with their time.

Why are you being such a salty boi about โ€œThe Bachelorโ€ last night. No one gives a fuck about that show. Go be mad about something important.

by Salty boi September 20, 2018

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Salty Shower

The act of a male masterbating on the face of another male or female.

I was sleeping one night to awake to my husband giving me a salty shower.

by neomodus September 10, 2008

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Salty Brownie

After a long, pleasurable round of anal sex, a man blows his load into the girl's bum. Immediately followed by the girl deficating into his mouth.

My boyfriend is such a freak. He made me give him the salty brownie last night

by Dirty T_Baggin Dan February 5, 2010

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Salty Dog


A cocktail comprising of Rum and Sea Water. Often drank in regional Australia during summer.
The Rum used is usually Captain Morgans or Sailor Jerry's but Bandaberg Rum has been known as an alternate in far north Queensland.
The Salty Dog was first invented in 1871 by a group of sailors that had their Rum stock pile flooded with sea water.

by SaltyDog1871 February 26, 2015

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Salty rim

Process of cum dripping from your woman's (or man's) back down to her (his) asshole.

I pulled out, fiished on her back and watched it ooze down. Full on salty rim.

by Mike and Darcy July 2, 2012

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