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Stoner moment

1) a regular moment (can be a certain day or time) in a group of friends to get high.

2) A moment in a stoner movie (such as harold & kumar) when the characters in the movie get high. often, the stoner audience pauses the movie at that moment, and gets high themselves

1) dude, 4:20 is the stoner moment!

2) harold and kumar are smoking weed! let's do the same.

by that dude, dude November 10, 2009

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Stoner Quest

When someone goes to laser quest high on marijuana hence the name stoner quest

1: I'm so bored
2: Then lets go to Stoner Quest
1: Now? OK

by Jimmy Balmar April 13, 2010

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Stoner park

A little park, often maintained by some do-gooder organization, or based around a historic object (ie mining tools, cannons, etc...), that is used as a hangout spot for teenagers who are/are becoming/are planing to become stoned. Other ocupants can be, wannabees, and tourists who are under the (false) impression that this park is for them to sit down and rest their feet. These parks are generally avoided or made fun of by the rest of the population.

"Have you seen anyone today?"
"Yeah, i saw Harry in Stoner park"
"How was he?"
"I don't know, i didn't say hi, he was with his 'cool' friends"

by Mail Carrier July 24, 2006

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Stoner Boner

a girl who prefer to bone stoners.

Lauren is such a stoner boner. She always bones the biggest stoners.

by zofoemeneg November 14, 2010

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stoner hat

n. those beanietype things you put your dreadlocks in. also known as a rastafarian hat.

jack: AH! nice stoner hat dude!

justin: YEAHH MON! let's go smoke some weed!

by mario juan September 14, 2005

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Amerature Stoner

Someone that acts like a stoner but has not officially crossed into pro stonerdom.
Anyone that Scuba Dives on a regular basis but doesn't have those insane connects, doesn't smoke correctly, doesn't have a piece and uses zebra pens, or doesn't have have a clue about stoner etiquette.

Those freshmen are such amerature stoners. I just told them i had got some dank, and they said "Oh, you got that seedless T-Rock?"

by layout420 December 17, 2006

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Uncle Stoner

Homosexual web stalker.

Uncle Stoner usually describes a person that surfs the web/sucks dick all day. Known to cling on the next man's nuts.

by Wonton March 25, 2003

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