The people who are responsible for the commonly held belief that all atheists are far-left nutjobs.
‘Katunni Atheist’ a person from pakistan who pretends to disbelieve or lacks belief in God or Gods and also lacks foreskin. Adj ; Creature who’s brain is inside testicle, pretend to be atheist for money.
Elhaad pretends to be a disbeliever but in reality he is a katinunni atheist.
A person who does not believe in history; i.e. One would need a time machine to convince this person that something really happened
Guy 1: Man, I hate having to memorize dates of the Civil War. And how does Ms. Johnson know that these events happened on these specific days?
Guy 2: Since when are you a historical atheist?
You might be even worse than a plant. I don't think there is a word for someone who feints the absence of belief.
Hym "That's the important bit, is it? That religion makes people go 'yay?' Get the fuck out of here. You're an atheist charlatan, Alex. You feint the absence of belief so you can proselytize from the other end. The 'fruits' of Christianity IS the act of Christians taking credits for higher-order abstractions. Forgiveness? Buddhism has doctrine about forgiveness. Hinduism has it. Ok. Maybe not. Maybe atheist charlatan is a bit of a stretch.... Nope. Nope. I'm right. You get paid to sit there and 'Oh well I don't know. Everything is just so nebulous!' And you hym and haw and say 'Is it really the claim the creator of the universe spoke to a guy in direct dialogue... Or is it the friends we made along the way?' And we're all worse off for it."
Types of atheists include:
- The "No Proof" Atheist - The most basic type of atheist. They believe there is no way to decisively prove that there is a God. By far the easiest one to talk to and have an intelligent discussion with.
- The "Bible is Horrible" Atheist - Uses the argument that the Bible has some content that's very uncomfortable to read. This is generally considered to be the weakest argument, because many verified events throughout history are pretty awful. History is not supposed to make you happy.
- The "Religious Trauma" Atheist - A person who identifies with atheists due to horrible experiences with religious people, extremists, bigots etc.
- The "World is Horrible" Atheist - Believes that because so many atrocities occur with no problem, that many evil people live long lives and get away with it all while good people die horrible deaths at a young age, etc. there must be no God.
- The "Leave Me Alone" Atheist - Angry about religious people who try to shove their views down everyone's throats. Usually related to Religious Trauma Atheist. Generally considered the most acceptable reason to be an atheist (besides "No Proof".)
- The "Absolutely Insufferable" Atheist - All of the above, and quite literally allergic to religious people, these atheists go out of their way to tear religion down at every opportunity. Most likely a Religious Trauma Atheist taken to pretty nasty extremes. Or just a dickhead. Commonly found on the Internet, especially Reddit.
A pragmatic atheist is someone who actively pursued an understanding of theism by delving into the study of diverse religions and spiritual practices, ultimately arriving at atheism through a methodical process of elimination. Their rejection of theism may be grounded in practical, prudential, or moral considerations. This journey involves critically evaluating religious beliefs and doctrines, weighing evidence, coherence, and ethical implications. For pragmatic atheists, atheism emerges not as a mere rejection born of emotional bias, but rather as a reasoned stance based on thoughtful inquiry and assessment of available knowledge.
An open, decreeing mind is the hallmark of a pragmatic atheist.
A virgin atheist Is a bitch who shits on other people’s beliefs just so they can feel better about their 2 inch penis.
Person 1: I believe in god.