A resort in the Catskills where your dad goes golfing and you eat all the grilled cheese sandwiches.
At Sunny Hill, we keep our room key under the mat and think it’s a secret life-hack. Turns out, everyone else thinks so too.
Wodden hills is a midlands reference to stairs
"Come up the wodden hills"
A small town in Minnesota located 5 miles from Iowa and 8 miles from South Dakota. It was named after a guy with the last name of Hills, but is one of the flattest places in the midwest.
You don't even have hills. AND YOU LIVE IN HILLS, MN!
To flee.
Yeah, you should hit the hills before they come back.
jake hill a vey nice friend he likes to beat his friends but he his nice
jake hill get hella bitches
Beautiful yet insecure, forgives easily, forgets rarely, falls for boys easily. When you find her don’t let her go.
Person 1- You know Emmy Hill?
Person 2- Yeah she’s so sweet
A clean knock out. Hitting someone and knocking them out so bad they have to go-to a hospital bed. Putting a person in the hospital
I'm going to hill-rom that mf-er.