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indie fuckers

People who like indie. Virtually any of them. Are generally called this because people get sick of their superiority complex and constant blabbing about shit-bands no one's ever fucking heard of.

The indie fuckers started laughing at the girl in an MCR shirt. What a bunch of dicks.

by Godzilla terrorizing Staten Island July 20, 2006

59πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž

Indie Kid

Another label placeed upon people, to either make them feel elite, to degrade, ect. the "indie" scene arose from the counter culture of the 60s & 70s. a decesndent of Punk rock scene, indie arose from the alt rock scene of the 80's and 90's. indie(the music) is now a more expiramental form of either garage rock. while the idea(in the scene) is to non-conform(which in fact is immpossible)its become a label, which allows society to degrade and put limits on human potential.

any other label used to describe someone who conforms to anothers idea of nonconforming by wearing vintage clothes, vans/converse, showing an obssesion with nature, "indie" rock, coffee and nonconforming. example of the Indie Kid

by AuZzY October 27, 2007

14πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Indie Kid

kids who listen to indie music. generally elitist, white upper-middle class males who get pissed when anyone starts talking about music. they are obsessed with finding bands no one has heard of, only to claim they hate them once they make it big. ex: modest mouse, franz ferdinand(sp?), the shins. now only listen to music they found on purevolume.com, or college radio. they like bands like Ambulence LTD, death from above 1979, and kill hannah. but not anymore, because someone else knows about them. general attitude of punks, but less angry at the government and more angry at everyone else.

"I'm more entitled to listen to this, because i found it first. go listen to good charolette and 50 cent, you pillow biter!"

by anti May 21, 2005

63πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž

Indie Kids

Indie Kids are generelly aged between 13 and early 20's. More often than not you will find they are pretensious, rude and sarcastic. This is probably because of the fact indie kids are ofen very sharp and very quickwitted. Indie kids can generally come across as pretty horrible unles you take the ime to know them. They can often be seen hanging around East London and Brighton. Then they go off and dance theyre 60s dance moves.

Many indie kids are very artsy and have intrests in things such as drawing, painting, photography, knitting, making clothes etc. All indie kids love to read and have generally read only books you've never heard of i.e A Clockwork Orange. All indie kids have read this book. And all indie kids bum this movie.

Most indie kids wardrobes are made up of Tophshop/Topman and vintage clothes from vintage shops, charity shops, their grannies closet etc. Indie girls generally either have ligh blonde, dark brown or bright red hair. They all have full bangs and they all wear headbands, either with their hair poofed up over the top or low on their foreheads. Indie guys geneally have long messy fair with long messy side fringes and look like they have never brushed it in their lifes.

Then there's the music.
All indie kids bum music WAY too hard. They have theyre MP3/IPods/Old CD Walkmans everywhere with them and are plugged into it constantly. Any indie kid can name a 1000 of theyre faivourate bands and you can gauretnee you'll never have heard of any of them. They tend to hate any band or singer that they consider mainstream (anything in the top 40)
They tend to lisen o bands from back as early as the 1960s. Typical indie kid bands include Bright Eyes, The Long Blondes, The Shop Assistants, The Who, The Beatles, The Shangri Las and The Rascals.

Basically the short of it is; indie kids are clever haughty brats who know to much about everything. They bum their music, they bum their vintage clothing and they bum polotics, art, theyre oher ultra cool indie friends.

Avoid them, unless your ready to be ripped to mental shreds for liking beyonce.
Occaisonoly you get nice shy inide kids. But they are generally very sarcastic and witty along with it.

Regular Kid: Hey, have you heard the new BeyoncΓ© song? Is prety wild isnt it?

Indie Kid: *whilst sipping heir starbucks frappacino and looking at you over their hick indie geek specs* Oh my god, you like BeyoncΓ©! She's so manufactured. Her music isn' wholesome or straight from the soul. Fuck off, go listen to some Gang of Four or The Shop Assistants.

Reghular Kid: Ok

Indie Kids: On second thought.. DONT! Theyre way to good for you!
*Swans on past you on they're topshop shoes and in theyre vintage outfit to go and watch a clockwork orange and have a hardcore discussion about polotics with theyre other indie friends. Before hiting Bethnal Greens hottest indie club to get off with some oher indie kid*

by MrScenester-x- February 24, 2009

100πŸ‘ 191πŸ‘Ž

Indie Music

Indie music means Independent Music. If a person makes music which is not non-mainstream and is kinda weird but beautiful, it's called indie music.

I have heard a lot of people mistake Indie for 'Modified Pop'. Let me tell you, it's NOT.

Indie music is beautiful. The harmony can touch your soul whithin minutes. The lyrics makes us feel happy, nostalgic and restless and relaxed at the same time.

It doesn't involve whiney words, emo screaming, and whisper-singing. But it's not always like that. True indie music takes you to another place, somewhere only you can go.

But people do look at things differently. You're not me and I am not you. So true bliss can come in different forms, alright?

But generally, this genre is wonderful. One have to find the royal music on their own. And that's why some Indie Kids hesitate to recommend songs. They are not afraid of others judging their tastes, but they are afraid of people judging their favourite artists.

You see, if you listen to this genre, something will change in you. You will become an elitist, someone who has a better taste and experience than everyone. But you will also feel happy about your life.

And that's the definition of Indie Kids! Not all of us have the Wavy Hair, not all of us have a weird taste in style, not all of us like colourful days.

But it's like a coincidence. Ig.

So yeah you can be indie if you want lol. This is just a genre which can be weird but flamboyant!

Uncle Jeff: Hey, isn't that the kid who said he liked that indie band called One Direction??

Kid 1: Yeah!

Indie kid: One direction is pop, you arses! Indie is non-mainstream! It's not boy-bandish! Indie music is beautiful

by Sparks_inhere April 1, 2022

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

indie purl


indie purl is very very clapped

by sophiehumber February 7, 2021

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Indie music

Alternative-related music that primarily scrawny, white, extremist liberal nerds/pussies/dykes who hang out in coffee shops all day listen too.

Indie music has nothing to do with "independent". Slipknot is signed to an independent label, so I guess they're an indie band.

by oscarsmack December 16, 2010

100πŸ‘ 192πŸ‘Ž