When you slide on a wet leaf outside during the rain in flip flops....
Just slid on a leaf outside in the rainy backyard..I think I hydro-leafed at least 10 feet....I looked like a crazy version of Dorothy Hamill in ice capades....
A leaf sanctuary is where different kinds of leaves are held and can be used for identification. The president of any given leaf sanctuary is called a Berta. Bertas show you where to find leaves and they also advocate for preserving rare leaves.
The Berta at the Madison, WI leaf sanctuary showed me where to find oak leaves.
The iconic phrase TikTok star, Evil Queen aka EQ used to describe Elphaba's new green gown from primark.
Elphaba: *Appears on TikTok live*
EQ: Hello my little lettuce leaf!
Starting by a young girl named Jackie, who's actual name is biscuit, the term "Brother Leaf" refers to a guy as reliable as a leaf! Flakes off every fall and grows back every spring. ^_^
Ahh man, my boyfriend is really a brother leaf.
Originating from a tiktok by musician Junie from Junie and the HutFriends, it featured in a guess the shape video. However, the editing was done in a way distorting Junie's body into the shape of the said "kissing leaf".
The kissing leaf is supposed to be holly, but it should've been mistletoe because thats the one you kiss under at Christmas time.
Junie got banned because of her kissing leaf video, unfortunately :(
Guy 1: "yo did u see that vid that Junie posted?"
Guy 2: "oh yeah, the kissing leaf one? It was kinda.. unsettling-"
You all know elf on a shelf...
But now it's KEEFE ON A LEAF!
*referring to keefe sencen from kotlc*
hey did you see the keefe on a leaf meme? It's so funny!
a smol bean who's life is a constant exisitential crisis
Griffer was a crumbling leaf by the age of 12