When you are in your hotel room in Vegas and you take a shit in the toilet and then put the top down with out flushing.
You Dave check it out - i just took a shit and didn't flush. Chris is about to get a Vegas Surprise!!!!
The common people phenomenon in Las Vegas where people have the best abs, buns, thighs, pectorals, calves, & bodies but haven’t spent the same time/attention on their face.
Look at that guy in the pool over there he is so sexy. That body....let’s hope when he turns around he doesn’t have “Vegas Face.”
That girl laying over there tanning by the Bellagio pool has a beautiful body; until I walked by and saw she has a bad case of “Vegas Face.”
The jewel of the five towns and home to the town centre that time forgot. No night out around cas Vegas would be good unless you smashed keys of ket in the glass blower
Ere Terri you must be the highlight of your home town cas Vegas
Where you learn some doctors are into PORNOGRAPHY FILM CASTING.
SIRIUSLY ROAD nearby as the MUSIC played where ANAL ALAN went to get a sandwich where they said " we need your full name , " butt wait all I want is a SUBMARINE SANDWICH at 3140 SOUTH VALLEY VIEW #14 in LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89102 but I notice where is THE RESTR00M , "WE DON'T HAVE ANY, " this is only the SUBWAY' BUS YAW N0.
So DR. JOFFE TEL AVIV ISRAEL well hate to tell you before 3140 SOUTH VALLEY VIEW #FAG LAS VEGAS , NEVADA 89102 as the CIA but wait in ISRAEL it is called , " M0SSAD" AND AMD DR 0SS is ADVANCED MICR0 DEVICES has inside of it "THE IMM0RTALITY RULE" that is NEVER WR0NG.
At this ADDRESS there is an ALTERATION COMING PLANE DISASTER as SYARIKAT TAKAFUL is choosing which PLANE AND COUNTRY TO HIT and KILL EVERYONE but meanwhile as JACK SWEENEY tracks planes you better believe the best protection can be HAD in the FLIGHT PATH AND RADIUS BUT I SCUM tonight SHITEATING AND PISS DRINKING will soon rearrange this ADDRESS ....
3140 SOUTH VALLEY VIEW #FAG LAS VEGAS , NEVADA 89102 ...SAVE Y0UR LIFE when you SENSE ..(3) 140 (N)AKED S(H)ITEATER EAT SHIT TUNc sout(H) valley view las vegas, (N)evada 1 9 33 = SCAT = SHIT CA(N) ASS(H)0LE THREE
The official nickname of pro golfer Jhonattan
J Vegas sliced the shit out of that ball!
A kick ass law criminal defense firm with crazy marketing.
Busted in Vegas? Call The Vegas Lawyers!
When a programmer submits a large code change Friday night before leaving on vacation that breaks the mainline build.
*Monday Morning
Developer: "There are a bunch of changes that broke the build; looks like Paul's changes from Friday night. It's pretty complicated, 32 files changed. We should let him know so he fix it."
Developer Lead: "No can do. He pulled a Vegas check in and is on vacation for next 2 weeks, we'll have to rollback the change."