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Dumb Fuckistan

Term that was used to label "red states" following the Presidential elections in 2004 for voting for DUBYA.

"Man I am so glad i do not live in Dumb Fuckistan".

by Johnny MC Bush September 9, 2008

51๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dumb Blonde

a young woman that has blonde hair and has a very stupid personality

WOW, hannah is such of a dumb blonde

by Rachaelisthecoolest February 21, 2009

88๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pussy Pussy Dumb Dumb

One who is not gifted in the ways of the pussy. Mostly a term attributed to men who do and say stupid things to girls without understanding the repercussions.

"Can you believe he said 'poop poop I love you' to that girl? He's pussy pussy dumb dumb."

by PoopPoopILoveYou November 28, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

You're a Dumb

when the person does something so stupid that you can use the word dumb as a noun.

Jordy: "so, what your ethnicity?"

Larry: "My great Grandparents Immigrated here from Germany"

Jordy "oh, so you're from Germany? That makes you Germanese, right?"

Larry "... You're a Dumb"

by Ira Sex Ira 696969 November 4, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dumb Bitty

A girl, usually attractive and promiscuous, that acts as if she knows nothing and sleeps around; A Dumb bitty is usually a slutty slop show. In some cases, The dumb bitty is truly, truly retarded.

"There is so much writing in this e-mail!"
" Just copy and paste it"
"I am too lazy"
"You dumb bitty"


"You spilt your drink on me, you dumb bitty!"


Colleen McEwen

by RuckingFight June 1, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

dumb as shit

Having the brain-capacity and memory-span of a pile of fecal matter.

M'lady, I do believe your son Henry is growing up to be quite as dumb as shit.

by Bastardized Bottomburp October 11, 2003

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

dumb faggot

A dumb/retarded person, who isn't necessarily gay -- used when you can't think of a better insult than "faggot".

God, did you see Tony's new shirt? He thinks he's so hardcore, what a dumb faggot.

by Noah999 November 2, 2007

30๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž