Source Code

low job

Giving or receiving a blow job without finishing.

Josh: Hey man, did you score with Cara last night?
Matt: Kinda, she gave me a low job.
Josh: Awww, that sucks dude. I'm sorry.
Matt: Yeah but it was still more than you got.

by tkurband April 20, 2010

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Low Bro

When a bro fucks you over.

Bro 1:Have you talked to Natan lately.
Bro 2: No I haven't ever since that low bro he gave me.

by whatyasay13 July 25, 2011

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Low key

Something secret/a secret

"I heard he was low key gay."

by Slangdunk March 27, 2016

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the get low

San Francisco. Derived from its low elevation and drive by shootings

you know you gotta get low in the get low or youll get shot up

by bojzzle October 2, 2004

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the low life

the best band to come out of DC

one of the best reggae bands ever

the day they broke up was the day the music died.

Out-of-towner: Hey i feel like seeing a show, what's good here?

DC Resident: HAHAHA good one, just get in the car. The Low Life show is about to open.

by bobcat nation March 3, 2008

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low trou

low trou refers to the act of wearing your jeans so that the crotch hangs down to your knees. this is a look often sported by emos and sometimes skaters. wearing your jeans in this mannor has no practical reason exept as a place to store many apples.

'he could fit many apples in his low trou'

by libbi April 30, 2006

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1. Idiotic person
2. Moron

Jeez, man...you are such a low-trigger

by Chuck Bronson October 20, 2004

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