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Bloody Wanker

A phrase that Americans think British/Irish people use when in fact no-one in their right mind uses the word bloody and wanker together.

"Bloody" is quite a mild swear word whereas " wanker" is quite harsh.

The two words just don't go together.
Saying " bloody wanker" on the internet screams "I'm an American!"

Them: God you're a bloody wanker!

Me: You're an American aren't you?

by Mrs Pants April 6, 2010

48๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

bloody mary

Several meanings/roots in Britain. The most common reference being to the beheading of Mary Queen of Scots who was beheaded because she was Catholic after the creation of the Anglican church. The majority of English lords betrayed the strong claim to the line of royal succession in order not become subject the Catholic church again - partially out of fear of penalties the Catholic Church was likely to impose and partially because of royal marriages the Catholic Church was arranging to take power out of Britain. Thus all sort sof bad things are implied including betrayal and major turmoil, war, personal disaster, and a violent messy solution.

Alternatively British blasphemy -- which says The Virgin Mary was not a virgin as in Mary was bloody from her ruptured hymen. Of course such a blasphemy means you are going straight to hell having denied Christ is God's son. Thus Bloody Hell refers to huge disaster and misfortune. This form is seldom the sense used today - but when it is there is an implication that the Church or Christianity or God is at fault.

Bloody Mary, they did it again! They assassinated Lady Di for planning to marry into Al-Quaeda.

by dudelookslikeachimp January 22, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

bloody gummer

punch the bitch in the mouth then knocking out all of her teeth and blood start to flow from the mouth...She proceeds to suck your cock...The Bloody Gummer

blowjob with no teeth and blood "bloody gummer"

by Jays drunk January 26, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bloody Sanchez

Whilst banging a menstruating girl from behind, you knee her in the ass and stick your finger up her cunt and rub your finger on her upper lip, while yelling "you fucktard dirty mashed potato pussy fucker".

Both virgins on their wedding night, Ted and Jameka were consumating the marriage when Ted suddenly pulled a bloody sanchez.

by Bangin on Juices September 25, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

bloody hell

In today's terms it commonly used to emphasise shock and/or amazement or anger. However it came into large use in the British context during World Wars' 1 & 2 whereby soldiers would describe it as a "bloody hell".

The intense meaning has waned over the years to become a common 'filler' in utterance. However, given if someone survived a nuclear war, if it happened 21st C, would it change to "nukem hell!" ? Sounds a bit Australian to me.

Me: Grandad?

Grandad: Yes

Me: What was it like fighting in the war?

Grandad: It was a bloody hell.

by Milky Moon March 15, 2007

24๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

bloody jack

When a girl has her period into a cup, and a guy cums into the cup, they mix it up and drink it.

Your sister and I bloodyjacked last night.

by Anonymous June 8, 2003

16๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bloody Hairy

The unfortunate event in which two heterosexual partners entangle their pubic hairs during missionary style sex. While attempting to undue the knots, one partner begins to bleed, creating a pleasuring lubricant. Both partners accidentally climax, and the female becomes pregnant.

"I forgot a condom last night, and I fucking came dude. We were victims of a Bloody Hairy

by BairyHalls March 20, 2011

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