Source Code

G count

From the sport of paintball, in the form G(number) or if a player were to ask for a G count. The G count is the number of dead opponents. G count is used to keep communication with your team and plan out attacks to close out a game. G counts can range from 1-7 at tournaments but usually a lot more at local fields where G counts are usually off.
(see example 1)

Some times used to pinpoint an actually player as being dead.
(see example 2)

Front player: "Whats the G count?"
Back player: "G6, Back Right only"
Front player: "Alright i'm gonna bunker him"

Front player: "Snakes hot!!!! I'm pinched!"
Mid player: "Got him!"(shoots out snake player)
Mid player: "Snakes a G! Snakes a G!"

by EMENTA1 December 3, 2007

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G Move

An act executed so deliberately and firmly in its intent that it cannot be denied, ignored, or even overlooked.

Some examples where a G Move could be distinguished:

If you find out someone has been stealing from you, you might decide to orchestrate a G Move and hook up with his long-time girlfriend the night of his 21st birthday.


If an authority figure has been giving you an inordinate and unnecessary amount of hassle, a.k.a. " sweating" you, you might decide to employ a G Move and end the inconvenience with a terse " FUCK YOU." and be on your way.

by jon-davis December 4, 2010

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Kelpy G.

A character in SpongeBob SquarePants who prodices the best smooth jazz you have ever heard. Also has awesome hair

Bro did u hear that new Kelpy G. Song it's lit.

by Kelpygirl88 January 14, 2016

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the process of using g-chat to hit on someone

Omgz! Kenny keeps sending me cute messages online; he is totally g-hitting on me right now!

by Leighdra October 6, 2008

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Donnie g

A Male that isnt a close friend but you are very fond of

"You see Martin over there?hes a donnie g "

by Juice lord September 13, 2020


Gangsta's from the hood. West-Side!

Nat-G in da house

by Official Nat-G May 28, 2009

Alex G


an alex g is a strange kind of human usually found hopelessly searching for the meaning to his existence. you will not find an alex g near an olivia because often he will have annoyed her

olivia "yes alex g is rather odd"
emily: " i couldn't agree more"

by Gsisins August 31, 2022

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