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Clown Mask

Having unprotected sex with a girl when shes on her period than removing your penis and rubbing it on her nose, creating a red nose like a clown would have.

"Dude I totally clown masked a girl at that party last night!"

by Dark Drumer April 29, 2008

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death mask

a boring person

stop being such a death mask

by flambard the happy porpoise October 10, 2003

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masked bandit

certian trademarks placed by certian people, in certian places

"ah-hah, theres a masked bandit on my web page!"

by *masked bandit* December 14, 2003

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mask freak

a person who freaks out about others not wearing their masks right. LIKE LEAVE ME ALONE U WEIRDO

Nicole:" okay mask freak and u aren't 6 feet away from me."

by Ncheried March 31, 2021

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Chewbacca Mask

When an unattractive, un-groomed female sits on your face until you become short of air, thus making the sound of a Wookie

"Man...I got so drunk the other night, I took a girl home from the club, and she gave me a damn Chewbacca Mask, man. Ain't that a bitch!"

by Martian12 August 10, 2012

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Mask Mule

It's a term I used for people who perpetuate fear over the virus. They carry around the left's message of terror to deliver a constant message of fear in the public to wear a mask so that they make sure the economy suffers, businesses suffer, education suffers, Americans suffer so THEY CAN PUT THE BLAME ON POTUS. Meanwhile the left offers up a message of vote from home so they can steal the election.

Jerry is always being a mask mule. He's a leftist who constantly perpetuates fear about the coronavirus and demands closing schools, businesses, and the economy without thinking about all the people it actually effects.

by Trump42020 July 19, 2020

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Mask Debater

A person that argues whether or not to wear a mask during the covid 19 pandemic

Karen refused to wear a mask in the store and became an annoying Mask Debater in public

by James Westen August 13, 2020

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