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Awkward Swordfish

Like the awkward turtle/balloon etc. The person puts one finger above their head like a unicorn horn and their right hand on their hip like a fin. Useful in awkward situations.

(a person you don't really know/like talks to you at a party)
*awkward swordfish*

by HelenaLexxiFoxxx February 6, 2011

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awkward turtle

The animal mascot of the awkward moment.

When you're in an awkward moment, place your hands on top of each other, and spin your thumbs forward. Thus creating the creature known as awkward turtle.

Oh my god, so I was talking to Becky about STDs and I forgot she had syphillis... it was mad awkward turtle

by Ursula mit dem kalten Loch April 11, 2015

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awkward sauce

A name for describing situations that seem to be a little weird. But "awkward sauce" doesn't actually exist. So when a person says it they should be smacked across the face with some road kill. Because they look like a totally idiot when they say it. And especially if they do hand gestures with it.

James: This is really awkward sauce. *moves hands*
Grace: Your an idiot it doesn't even exist. I wish I had road kill to hit you with.

by just so you know..... October 6, 2010

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sexually awkward

An uncomfortable situation in which one must decide whether or not to have sex with a person one normally wouldn't have sex with or is making the situation more complicated to proceed.

The man was experiencing a sexually awkward moment when the woman kept bringing up too many boundaries, dislikes, and rules.

by No one familiar July 1, 2014

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MTV Awkward

MTV Awkward is a 21-minute scripted show from MTV. The show revolves around Jenna Hamilton, her friends, and her very awkward life.

From MTV Awkward: With my v-card safely tucked away in his back pocketโ€ฆ.he hit me with โ€œbut nobody can know that I like you.โ€ Soโ€ฆI was still Jenna Hamilton.

by onegirl August 17, 2011

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awkward yamaka

motion or word used when akward moment occurs, normally after a jew joke is said and is not as funny as intended

Person1: and he says "change? I'm a Jew!!!"


person2: awkward yamaka

by just someome March 2, 2009

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awkward cow

This is only to be used when a situation is extremely awkward. This is a step up from an awkward turtle. When someone says something so unbearable, you put out your pointer and pink finger. (the rock on sign upside down and have an on looker milk those fingers as if they were utters.

suzy: i lost my virginity in the back of a ford.

by brittany ballin June 30, 2008

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