Usually when a group of men get in a circle and jack off onto a piece of bread the last one to finish has to eat the bread
Hey Tony you and some friend want to come to my house after school and we can do a bread Circle
federal income, mula, money, pesos. (it can be legal or illegal it has nothing to do with the feds coming to get yo ass) a word we say in texas.
i gotta have that fed bread for this slab(slow.loud.and.bangin') i'mma get. a slab is a big body car like a old skool caprice and a 1983 sedan deville.
An adjective used to describe the smell of high quality marijuana, cannabis, weed, and reefer.
Woah, dude, do you smell that???
Yeah man, it smells like Hawaiian Bread!!!
Liked by people called (robin) usually following the consumption of many drugs.
Oh look there’s a robin again eating plain bread without butter.
The best bread you will ever find. It is in breadville and it is haunted by bread.
I just found the johannes bread, oh nooooo.
The family-friendly version of haul balls. To travel as fast as possible.
I am going to have to haul bread to get to work on time.
A type of bread used to tell someone to fuck off. May contain ligma and fugma. Created from the Sugandese tradition.
He came into the kitchen bitching about something so I told. him I was making sugma bread.