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Omaha Central Highschool

The most historical school located in Omaha, Nebraska. Good luck trying to use the bathroom during passing period. Omaha Westside Highschool calls us ghetto but take their homecoming pictures downtown. A school full of fake bitches, dudes that try and act mysterious and nonchalant, teachers who fuck other teachers and security guards who take carts and give em to their friends. 60% of the students don't attend regularly. We need to stop pretending like our football team is good.

person a: "did you hear that ____ is pregnant from omaha central highschool"
person b: "no fucking way, i just let her hit my vape"

by smd562857 January 26, 2025

Central escalator

the central escalator is one of the newly famous lanky teenage attractions, where teens go under the escalator to do LG, smoke weed, vape, makeout, write on the escalator and many more fun things lanky Pattaya kids do these days, you have probably been under there and saw drawings of dicks, pussies, Instagram @'s, and Pattaya's personal favourite, people writing about how much maoileo is a dickhead.

Lanky lad1: yo bro wanna go get high?

Lanky lad2: ayt bet lets go under the central escalator

Lanky lad1: bro i wanna get high, not make out

by Pattaya101 November 23, 2021


the best thing in the world

dance-central gimme it

by dancecentralfan January 18, 2019

Central dogma

A theory in molecular biology, stating that genetic information flows unidirectionally (only in one direction), from DNA to RNA to protein, or RNA directly to protein.

Central dogma is the process in which the genetic information flows from DNA to RNA, to make a functional product protein.

by AmelioratingFlaws October 24, 2023

University of Central Florida

The orlando community college with an iconic, badass mascot named Knightro.

I go to the University of Central Florida, and I'm probably better than you.

by shroncke November 13, 2022

Penn Central

Penn Central Transportation Company was a major American railroad formed in 1968 by merging the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) and the New York Central Railroad (NYC), two of the nation’s largest and most historic railroads. It operated an extensive network across the Northeast and Midwest, serving key cities like New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago. The merger was intended to create a stronger, more competitive railroad, but logistical challenges, regulatory issues, and economic struggles led to severe financial problems. By 1970, Penn Central filed for bankruptcy—the largest corporate failure in U.S. history at the time. Its collapse highlighted the decline of American railroads and led to major industry changes, including the creation of Amtrak for passenger rail service in 1971 and Conrail in 1976 to take over its freight operations.

“Damn the Pennsylvania railroad was a really cool railroad, New York central too. but when they merged in to Penn central in 1968 and then didn’t last long. This is where the railroad was a major downhill and embarrassment to the railroad industry”

by EMD F59PHI January 29, 2025


Central is a word that is hard to define - what is central just is central - it is a new catchphrase used to define hot people.

'That's so central' - that's so quiche, so hot, so it, that is the moment.

by tchinarro September 5, 2022