Animated series featuring Jackie Chan in a series of fictional adventures, aided by his fictious neice Jade Chan and his uncle "Uncle", he fights the forces of evil and collects various artifacts over various seasons to prevent them falling into cruel hands.
The highly respected series took a downward spiral in Season Three when the plots were all re-hashed and Jade became an annoying bitch.
Jackie Chan Adventures season three featured Jackie trying to gather animals infected with the mystical energies of magic Talismans.
85๐ 4๐
When a anime girl is ready for incest
Onii Chan..~ Wanna play??~
8๐ 14๐
The phrase that welcomes you in the world of hentai.
Sora: Onii-chan daisuki! Be with me forever, onegai?
Haru: Ahhh Sora, that's incest.
75๐ 7๐
To curse somone's family an entire generation to death.
Cantonese proverb.
Use at one's own risk.
After a road accident, a verbal argument between the two drivers as follows;
'Pay for my damage!'
'No way!!'
'Ham ka chan.. see you in court!!'
242๐ 34๐
One of the few anime shows on American TV, or at least IMO. Chronicles the (mis)adventures of a foul mouthed, lazy,rude, 5 year old pseudo super-hero girl (the title character, who often says "You Dumbass!"), a pet slug named Hanage (name translates to "Nose Hair"), a child-like, yet secretly selfish robot servent named Tetsko, a dysfunctional family of ants, a gay onion/landlord named Laylo, and a man who is definatley the President (of everything).The show is bizarre, sensless, and seems to have been done under the heavy influence of drugs, but slowly grows on you.
"Yes, I am Definately the President. Most Definately"
"You Dumbass!"
"All right, our mission is complete. Let's go eat sushi or something!"
60๐ 7๐
A weirdo with to much gell in his hair. A middle-aged person going through their mid-life crisis. Typically have no friends and are depressed people. NOT a ladies man. In fact, all girls do their best to avoid him at all costs.
Oh man I wish old man chan wasnt here
Old man Chan has too much gell in his hair
9๐ 1๐