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honey do's

Chores assigned by ones mate (usually wife). This list normally includes household chores or errands and typically are assigned at the most innnoportune moments (ie: Sports event, relax time, vacations or days off, snow days, etc..). Also can be a bribe for sex...

I'd love to go to the bar with you fellas but the old lady has a bunch of honey do's for me. She needs the gutters cleaned, leaves raked, leaky faucet fixed, and a box of tampons.

by Craig S. February 21, 2006

258πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž

Do shit

An expression most commonly used when referring to performing a task, often used conversationally. Subsequently, often turned into a lame joke.

Joe: man, Mike is such a fucking lazy ass, he doesn't ever do shit.

Unfunny co-worker: oh he doesn't "douche it"? that's really unsanitary.

Joe: This is why I never talk to you.

by Soo Doh Nim May 16, 2011

62πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


An earnest but often naΓ―ve person (typically educated and white) who wants reform through philanthropic or egalitarian means. e.g. wealth redistribution, social justice, welfare, third world immigration, adoption of "disadvantaged" children (usually non-white and from abroad), affirmative action and spending other peoples' money for good causes. See also white guilt. Do-gooders always mean well but may misinterpret opposing preferences to be racist, cold, intolerant or greedy. They genuinely want human development & positive environmental awareness, although the methods are a source of debate.

Do-Gooders can be either liberal/left or β€œsocial conservative” (as opposed to fiscal). For some, issues such as "ethnic diversity" & "multiculturalism" are a religious calling, but they generally don’t have the same burden for promoting it in countries apart from western ones - and don't feel that having a lack of ethnic diversity is a crime for any non-european countries (e.g. Japan). A few inherent contradictions may exist, such as the fact that literal "multiculturalism" would instead favor separation of ethnic or cultural groups to maintain β€œdiversity”. Some subconsciously believe that decreasing the "european-descent" portion of the population pie is indicative of western progress.

Do-gooder methods do not always create the positive outcomes intended. The transfer of money from one group of people to another is usually the result.

"My aunt is always involved in some humanitarian project and she plans on adopting some foreign children. My boyfriend thinks she is a do-gooder”

"I can't believe how many do-gooders there are in this town who voted for more spending!"

by mocktwinkie February 5, 2010

357πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž

let's do this

leroy jenkins shouts "LET'S DO THIS!" and his own name, followed by him charging into a raid with disregard to the carefully laid plans his nerdy raid group came up with

nerdy group leader: can you give me a number crunch real quick?
number cruncher: uh....yeah give me a sec...im coming up with 32.33, uh, repeating of course, percentage of survival
nerdy group leader: well that's a lot better than we usually do...uh...so are we...
leroy jenkins: alrite, times up! LET'S DO THIS! LEROY JENKINS!
nerdy group leader: omigod he just ran in

by iSTALKforCASH October 9, 2009

117πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Doing The Road

When an individual is using their automobile mode of transport(vehicle) , usually for the purpose of trafficking a set of narcotic substances, either homogeneous or varied. Given person might also be "Doing The Road" in order to re-up. It is implied that said individual might be travelling at elevated speeds, sometimes maybe even exceeding the posted state enforced speed limit.

Raphy is "Doing The Road" in order to chop yutes and present his clientele with his stash of loud, once he is finished Doing The Road he has finished his trafficking of narotics

by Southside SG OTF Raphael November 18, 2018

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

do an Ellen

To do an Ellen is when you're outside and really need to pee, so you pee on the street (preferably between two cars).

guy 1: 'dude! I really need to pee but there are no toilets'
guy 2: 'it's fine! There are two cars over there, just do an Ellen'

by allvetaren November 30, 2018

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Funny do

Initially used to describe when on a night out you have too much to drink and do something embrassing, throw up or have to go home early because your too drunk.

Its use has now expanding to describe generally when unfortunate things happen or things go wrong e.g. things breaking, arguments, not feeling well, getting in a bad mood.

"I went out on saturday and had a funny do, had to go home at 12, too much vodka"

When your phone has broken: "My phones having a funny do"

When youve had an argument with someone: "Im having a funny do with Tom"

"Ive got so much work to do, I think I might have a funny do"

"Im so tired I might have a funny do"

by Vickyminaj January 2, 2012

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž