Source Code

Sun Drunk

When you feel giddy/light headed from spending all day in the sun, even though you are not dehydrated.

I'm not dehydrated, I'm sun drunk.

by LTrain April 28, 2018

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Lipstick Drunk

Although very much inebriated, a person who is still concerned about their physical appearence.

Carmen: Gurl you just done puked up all 10 vodka and redbulls you drank this past 2 hours and u puttin on foundation?
Tiffany: (slurred) imfa beef fyone...
Carmen: Gurl you ain't actin' like a straight up lipstick drunk

by MixedMami89 December 31, 2009

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Pissonpatty Drunk

The highest level of inebriation a person can reach without slipping into a coma

Last Saint Patrick's day I was so drunk that I pissed on someone in the bar. I was pissonpatty drunk.

by Scwasted Face February 11, 2010

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Wanabe Drunks

a group of people with great power

woman: is this area safe?
man: no, it's owned by the Wanabe Drunks! RUN!
woman: no, i want to sexualize them.
man: Karen, no!
woman: sorry, but no woman can resist a Wanabe.

by NathanPlus1 September 5, 2019

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Drunk Grenade


The results of any occaision where five or more people end up passed out in one room from excessive alcohol abuse.

See also Drunk Bomb.

It looks like a Drunk Grenade went off in here.

by Brok Lee May 3, 2005

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Drunk Dancing

Drunk Dancing is when a person is so much under the influence of alcohol that he/she thinks they might be a good dancer. This type of drunk is seen at parties and mostly avoided since it is particulary embarrassing to seen dancing with him/her. Drunk Dancing is usually bad dancing. The Drunk Dancer usually tries to do popular dances The Worm, Macarena, Cabbage Patch, etc. and in the end embarrasses his/herself.

Jackie: Ow my aching head! What happened last night?
Randy: Last night at the club you had too much Shirley Temples and started Drunk Dancing.

by Sh00pD4Wh00p September 4, 2008

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Drunk Drank

To go home drunk and continuing to drink after you should have passed out.

Shit...I am so hung-over today! I fucking went home last night and drunk drank until like 4 A.M. I shoulda' just passed out.

by Jenn Dickey December 21, 2005

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