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Fuzzy Wuzzy

A bear that has no hair

Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t ver fuzzy was he ?

by Cure-iosity December 24, 2020


indistinct; vague; obscure. A reduplication of 'fuzzy'.

There is a fuzzy-wuzzy line of distinction between the two.

by uttam maharjan September 4, 2011

Fuzzy Wuzzy

Nickname for someone with the name "Ilia" who is short and cute, with a big forehead.

T: That Fuzzy Wuzzy is so cute
J: No, he is tall and ugly

by Grodle August 9, 2023

Fuzzy log

When your husband is wrapped in a fuzzy blanket spread out across the bed

Your like a cute fuzzy log all wrapped up in that blanket

by Deadpool92 August 24, 2020

Concrete fuzzies

A description of the balance between concrete evidence and warm and fuzzy comments when writing a recommendation for someone (esp on LinkedIn).

Person 1: "I'm going to write a recommendation on LinkedIn for my coworker"
Person 2: "Make sue you include the concrete fuzzies"

by NibyNool October 7, 2020

Fuzzy woompet

When you're sleeping naked and something fuzzy somehow slides down your buttcrack.

I was sleeping naked with my wife, when all of a sudden, the dog jumped into the bed and it's foot gave me a fuzzy woompet.

by Joeyp563 February 15, 2023

fuzzy drink

When you fuck up spelling Fizzy Drink and make people think you drink water with cat hair in it

I love to drink some fuzzy drinks after a long days work.

by GiantTeddyBlessingRains September 2, 2019