Source Code

german handshake

When one masterbates, and does not wash his/her hands afterwards, and then blesses someone with a handshake not long after.

"I'll German Handshake you in a minute"

(thinking)'if he's not carefull, hes going to get a german handshake'

by Jackal April 15, 2005

37πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

German rap

The worst type of music to ever exist, basically earrape. Full of cultural appropriation, racism and homophobia. Also full with autotune and is against women. Always describing them as objects or slaves.

Dumb ass local: yo did you hear capital bra’s (german rapper) new song?

Person who has taste: no why would I hear someone who isn’t feminist?

by German rap August 13, 2020

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

German helmet

A (very) loose vagina placed over ones
head and face. Is dangerous and not
always possible and can cause suffocation.

Douche: I swear that b**** gave me a German helmet
Johnny: You lie.

by Chronos9 February 2, 2011

34πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

German Facelift

Letting a girl grind ur face till it is slightly tightened

OMG that fit girl gave me a german facelift, she had been drinking pineapple all day so it tasted lush

by Banham July 8, 2009

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

German Teacup

A gamblers game for gearheads involving whiskey, milk, money, plastic bags and/or a wet/dry vac, and a willing/incapacitated owner of a 4 wheel drive, turbo, kroutburning automobile.

(yeah yeah, safe place etc etc etc, dont try this at home, yadda yadda)

Parking lot, frozen lake, some D-bag neighbors lawn, etc.

All 4 'contestants' toss $20-whatever $ ya got into the console. Winner takes all

Take shot of whiskey, then the shot of milk. Wait one min. Take second shot of whiskey, check seatbelts and ralph pouch, hang on.

Driver (Also contestant #1) turns and holds the wheel all the way left, trans in 2nd gear, hit the throttle and as it hits the rev limiter, side step the clutch and the game is afoot. Sit and spin on juice ensues.

Last to 'purge said shots' wins the cash. First to 'purge' cleans afore mentioned unknowing owners car, 'as best one sees fit'. . . or not, if was used as the game board, the driver more than likely doesnt know anyway.

See above, more info would ruin 'game modifications' which are much welcomed and appreciated. But it makes me put in German Teacup, so there it is.

Game by:

Name and 'inspiration' by:

Both of ?id=84 on the Vortex.

by TGM74 June 10, 2007

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

German Shower

When someone farts into the intake of a CPAP machine while it's user is sleeping. There's no escape.

Similar to a Dutch Oven, but the victims of a German Shower can only be on CPAP.

by leatherneck March 2, 2012

13πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

German firelog

The burning sensation in the ass crack during or after the process of taking a shit

taylor had a german firelog after eating large amounts of dried raisins.

by nick benda August 19, 2007

10πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž