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Get c

Get cancer.

Commonly used in League of Legends ranked by toxic players, usually in plat and above for any reason you can think of.

Jungler: disgustging
Jungler: 100lp
Jungler: peakers
Jungler: get c
Support: wtf chill

by ZumoDePapaya October 12, 2022

Get nerd

You got nerd

Person1: My dad died 😢
Person2: Get nerd

by SuperMemeBros December 17, 2019

Getting Gav’d

The term used to describe a common phenomenon in most workplaces in which a colleague takes a leave of absence and dumps their workload onto their fellow colleagues.

These colleagues, mostly known as “Gav’s”, revel in their ability to pass their work onto others whilst sipping on cocktails on a beach and claiming to be ‘off-sick’ all at the same time.

The term “Getting Gav’d” can be applied to all colleagues in the workplace who fit this persona, simply change the name to fit your asshole colleague – i.e “Getting Phill’d, Getting Gary’d, Getting Shanice’d”

Kane: ‘Well fuck, I’m getting Gav’d again this week because that cunt is on leave again’
Greg: ‘That asshole Gav’d me last week’

by klov3766 April 23, 2018

get nigged on

A figure of speech used to indicate that one has been thoroughly "finessed" or has been outdone to such an astronomical degree that the opponent does not have the slightest idea as to what events have just ensued.


gg, get nigged on.

by niggy123321 June 6, 2017

get lurnt

Pronounced as "get turnt". Something you say to people after just correcting them on a subject. Sort of like saying "get educated" or "get your facts straight"

Bob: There are polar bears in all of Norway
Joe: actually, there are only polar bears on the island of Svalbard, get lurnt

by Alexhost October 26, 2015

getting Zinked

being the victim of intense tomfoolery.

Mark: I invited Hampson to look at this website, but little does he know, it's about him!
Andrew: Looks like he's getting Zinked today.

by YouReadMyName November 17, 2016

Get Back

When so one does something foul or disrespectful to you so you retaliate

Buddy smash my girl so I had to GET BACK

by titas james August 31, 2023

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