When a person of low means throws their cash around in an attempt to act wealthy or impress others. Usually this means wasting their money on the purchase of frivolous clothes, alcohol, or otherwise living well outside their means for a short period of time. These purchases also may be made in place of paying rent or bills for the month, or running up a large amount of debt.
"Ryan just blew his whole McDonald's paycheck on some Yeezy Boosts! He'll be counting change tomorrow."
"Yeah he's acting gutter rich."
When the bowling ball goes into the gutter only to pop back out and snatch a few pins.
I thought that roll was a waste...then I got a gutter snatch!
A shit hole in which the environment is usually characterized by rain, mud, ghettos, and humidity. Gutter towns tend to have a disgusting film of green slime over them, and wet leaves sticking to every surface. The populace includes, but is not limited to: meth heads, prostitutes, thugs, and homeless people. It is hard to own anything nice in a gutter town, and living in one is generally depressing to the average person.
Person A: “Aye bro, you wanna go to Biloxi, Mississippi?”
Person B: “Nah dude that place is a fuckin’ gutter town.”
A front tramp stamp: a tattoo on the area above the pubic bone and below the belly button. Either beside or on the iliac furrows created by the hip bones, aka the "cum gutters", this tattoo "clutters" the area with ink as it is generally as poorly done or trashy as your average tramp stamp.
The only tattoo she has is some bad flowers as gutter clutter. Totally trashy.
This is when you participate in anal intercourse after stuffing molten fudge in the anas.
“Hey baby want to fudge gutter tonight?”
Someone who prefers initiating anal sex over vaginal intercourse for the pure purpose of seeing the recipient in pain and discomfort.
He was well-known amongst his social circles as a Gutter Plugger because of his insatiable anal appetite and desire for others discomfort.
Someone who prefers initiating anal sex over vaginal intercourse for the pure purpose of seeing the recipient in pain and discomfort.
He was well-known amongst his social circles as a Gutter Plugger because of his insatiable anal appetite and desire for others discomfort.