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cant handle the bean

When you off the bean but you die.

Chase Williams cant handle the bean

by Noc laflame April 1, 2019

has a handle on the situation

Has A Situation to a problem.

Bob has a handle on the situation.

by Kelly Plays ROBLOX February 11, 2017

pan handled

Referring to"peter pan";
When a boy/man gets defeated verbally or man handled by another man in public, usually occuring between drunken teenagers and young men in there twenties at a party or social gathering.

When a male goes from boy to man via fight in public

"oh man, you so got pan handled last night at the party"

by Mary-Kate Kenna June 30, 2008

Handle snatcher

The kind of person so desperate to steal your handle that they would pick the pie fucker just to get their piece of the pie first.

The handle snatcher would try to snatch up any handle from anyone before they could have it as their handle, thus making every handle a copy of another handle if the handle snatcher couldn't just hijack the original handle and make posts after the handle had already been taken (via hacking or whichever route they take to do it).

by The Original Agahnim January 8, 2022

handle baring

When you insert 4 fingers into the pussy and your thumb into the woman’s asshole and grab the wad of meat whilst then rapidly shaking it.

We’re you guys just handle baring?

by Hoelster December 4, 2017

1👍 1👎

If you cant handle the groove don't juice the moose

"If you cant handle the groove dont juice the moose" is a way of saying "if you cant get on board go away" or "if you dont understand, tough".

"You're such an odorti."
"How is odorti even remotely close to idiot? HOW?"
"If you cant handle the groove don't juice the moose."

by asdahetha December 22, 2022

lip handles

How Jess entices men round to her house for sexual pleasure.

Hi Carl come round tonight to see my lip handles

by Beau78 September 25, 2018