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a state of having a boyfriend that brings negativity to a relationship and causes more pain than happiness.

Girl, you need to leave that loser, he is so he-toxic.

by quirky me July 31, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


the male equivalent of the G-spot . found deep in the recesses of the anal cavity

My girlfriend couldn't get me off until she found my He-spot with a soup ladle

by Don Deeze nutz November 5, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

That's what he said

The same as that's what she said, except when girls say it

girl 1: wow, there smaller than i expected!
girl 2: that's what he said!

by :D:D:DOMG July 19, 2008

95๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nah he tweaking

Another meaning of saying "I want it up my ass"

Person 1: "Nah he tweaking."

Person 2: "It's been a day and you're already asking for it."

by Unknown Toaster August 26, 2021

17๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

He/Him Lesbian

A He/him lesbian is a lesbian who uses he/him pronouns despite the two concepts conflicting with each other. Many will claim this is because he/him lesbians feel a sense of disconnect from womanhood/femininity, or more commonly, "pronouns don't equal gender." However, this statement is incorrect due to the fact that pronoun variety exists for the sole reason of indicating gender identity in the context of a conversation. If pronouns were only meant for specifying a person completely outside of gender, then this variety (he/him, she/her, they/them, etc) simply wouldn't exist, and there would only be one universal set of pronouns.

Another way people attempt to justify he/him lesbians is by using examples of he/him lesbians from the past, in which the historical context has been adapted and altered, for their convenience. Historical he/him lesbians did not use he/him pronouns because they preferred it that way, but rather they did this as a safety mechanism. This is because, in more homophobic times, lesbians would commonly have one partner present as male in order to appear as a heterosexual couple, as to not get hate crimed out in public. This wasn't a form of self-expression, this was a safety method.

In short, he/him lesbians are harmful to lesbians as they suggest that lesbians can be attracted to men if they are attracted to he/him lesbians (who literally call themselves "he", a male pronoun).

Person A: "I'm a he/him lesbian."

Person B: "So you're a woman......who goes by he/him?"

Person A: "Yes."

Person B: "But he/him suggests the user is male, that's why it's a set of pronouns. It's for male-identifying people."

Person A: "Pronouns don't equal gender."

Person B: "So then why have different pronouns at all? There are different pronouns because they were made to represent different genders. If pronouns don't include gender than why isn't there just one universal set of pronouns? It doesn't make sense."

by Fritz.Fox August 30, 2021

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Nah he tweakin

Apparently started as some sort of comment spam on a instagram page @Rap post about Tony Hawks painting his blood on skateboards to sell

Now it's spammed in posts and mostly meme posts

Post: *meme*
Comments: Nah he/she/they tweakin
Some internet people: what does that mean
Replies: Nah he tweakin

by Uh I created an acc for this August 25, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

he pulled a peterson

when a coworker goes on break at work and when he/she is supposed to come back from break instead either calls the store to notify hes quit or just doesnt return at all.

Worker #1: yo where's mike at? Isn't his break over?

Worker #2: nah he pulled a peterson

Worker #1: ohhh shit! he did wanna leave too!

by Vahn Strife June 15, 2010

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