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Canada's History

This is a slang term for the act of intercourse with a moose with several other requirements. This is achieved only with a moose; dead or alive (dead altering the name to Canada's Achievements), Honey must be used as lube. Both the moose and the participants must be gagged with a hockey puck in both the mouth and buttocks region (what ever is open to gag).

This term was first

Canada's History was first used by a Mr. S. Colbert when referring how his cousin was conceived.

by Shazbutt February 5, 2010

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canada's history

when Americans took a steaming pile of poop on Canadians 100 years ago they used a TP called Canada's history. could be used to wipe a Cleavland steamer.

your mom called , she was looking for Canada's history cuz nothing else would work!

by 100 percent Canadian February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

An American sexual act, performed by only the most elite members of the National Hockey League, and it's Stanley Cup champions. It involves straddling the Stanley Cup, placing your balls in the cup itself, which is full of Canadian maple syrup. Proceed to lube your sack and shaft with pure Canadian maple syrup. You then bring your partner above you, and shove the entirety of your genitalia into your partner's preferred orifice. The one receiving places his/her hands palms out, thumbs touching their temples, simulating moose antlers, and cries out. This is repeated until the desired outcome is reached.

Crosby and Malkin celebrated their victory last year by researching Canada's History. It took a team of 24 latin-american immigrants, 4 days, and $3,050 worth of cleaning supplies to get the smell out of that hotel room.

by the SMOOF February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A certain sex involving the insertion of beaver pelts, "flapjacks", maple syrup, and one french-canadian into the vagina or anus

"I heard you and Deborah broke up. What happened?"
"Apparently she wasn't cool with Canada's History."
"Fuck that bitch."

by Colbert-Nation February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

Performing the sexual act doggie style so that both participants can also watch the hockey game.

I gave her Canada's History for two hours last night.

by parrotheadkm February 7, 2010

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Canada's History

A sex act so depraved that it shouldn't ever be uttered. Using a moose's antlers (preferably while the moose is still alive) to penetrate a vagina that is covered in maple syrup. A man licks the syrup off while this is happening but does not swallow, it and any ejaculation are put into the Stanley Cup.

Guy: Dude I did Canada's History with my girl last night!
Other guy: Aw fuck man, I didn't need to hear that shit! But where'd you get the Stanley Cup?

by Bri - Guy February 5, 2010

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Canada's history

Coating your partner in maple syrup and than beating them in the head with the Stanley cup so you can proceed to anally rape them with moose's antlers

Dude, I totally gave your mom Canada's history last night.

by J_Sierra February 5, 2010

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