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Cook up this chicken before it goes bad

Have sex with this girl before she loses interest

Yo, Chris, I’d love to see yall but I gotta cook up this chicken before it goes bad.

by George567590 January 8, 2025

Breasties before testes

From parks and recreation, means girls before guys

Ann: are you sure youre ok that im going on a date with mark?
Leslie: Yeah! Im over mark, all that matters is that we’re still friends
Ann: Breasties before testes!

by Defsnotateenagekidrn March 24, 2023

The Ship Had Sailed Before Its Occupants Made It To The Harbor

Also "The Ship Had Sailed Before Its Occupants Made It To The Port".

An idiom meaning the ship between characters was confirmed canon before people started shipping them.

Person 1: Doom Guy and Isabelle have already been confirmed canon by Nintendo.
Person 2: The Ship Had Sailed Before Its Occupants Made It To The Harbor

by Shugunou October 23, 2023

Days Before

refers to the “days before rodeomixtape by Travis which his fans then added to all his albums

friend: “yo did you listen to days before astroworld?”
me: “wtf thats not even a thing

by kuurisua December 4, 2023

New Hoes Before Old Bros

When one of your best buddies decides to ditch you and your friends for this new girl whom he just met, but can't seem to ever leave her or even want to.

"Hey man I haven't heard from you in a while. Why don't we get the crew together and hit the bar tonight?"
--"IDK dude I just met this girl a few days ago and she's perfect, I can't find one fault about her!"

"Well keep looking! If you let her know how you feel this soon she will control you and you'll be whipped."
--"Nah not this one, she is different, we are equals in this relationship and she is my dream girl!"

"Ah sounds to me like your choosing new hoes before old bros! Have fun with that!"

by Urban Hiptionary May 23, 2013

Food Before Dudes

Food is always important before anyone, especially dudes (or guys/boys)

"Food Before Dudesss guys!!"

by romance/smut fan!! June 23, 2023

To boldly Go where no man has gone before

A description of sex with a lesbian.

I shall now beam down,

To boldly Go where no man has gone before

by Iam not Elmer Fudd December 24, 2019